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bone health.

Regenerative solutions for osteoporotic conditions, reducing fracture risks, and enhancing quality of life.

Raised from crowdfunding!
$ 0

Transforming Bone Health with Precision Regenerative Solutions

At OsNovum, we are pioneering a precision approach to develop regenerative therapies designed to transform the lives of patients with osteoporotic conditions. While there are many drugs available on the market for osteoporosis treatment, they frequently cause significant side effects and patients often refuse treatment to avoid those adverse systemic effects. Our solution approaches the treatment of weak and frail bone in a very different manner.

Powered by Proven Technology

Our technology has been FDA-cleared and on the market for years regenerating maxillofacial bone thanks to decades of vigorous research and development offered by our founders through SteinerBio. OsNovum is now taking this regenerative material, which converts poorly mineralized bone into dense, healthy tissue, to the skeleton through a local application into an areas of weakened bone.

treatment for weak bones

OsNovum is adopting this innovative technology to address osteoporosis and regenerate weakened bones before they have a chance to fracture, creating a lasting impact on so many lives.

Under the Microscope

As we target a patient’s own bone-growing cells (osteoblasts), our material gives them exactly what they need to do their job: our patented molecule.

  When our material is placed into bone, the osteoblasts in the bone absorb our patented compound.

  The osteoblasts then migrate into the surrounding tissue to increase the mineral density and vitality of the bone.

  Because the regenerated bone is new, that renewed bone is stronger, healthier, and more vital.

Osteoblasts migrating into OsNovum material
After six weeks, healthy vital bone has regenerated

Reducing the Risk of Fracture


Preventative care is the best solution for avoiding future breaks and fractures. 

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone loses mineral density. 

It is often called the “silent thief” because it is not until a person breaks a bone that they become aware of any bone deterioration. 

OsNovum aims to restore the density of the bone before it has the chance to fracture. 

Our commitment is rooted in a deep understanding of bone biology and regenerative medicine, driven by the principle of delivering the right treatment to achieve the best clinical outcomes.

In today’s market, patients are left with virtually no desirable options when seeking solutions for treating low bone density.

The Perspective

The staggering, incalculable cost of prescription medication and personal productivity further underscores the demand for our technology.

Introducing bone regenerative technology into the healthcare industry takes time and effort

While our technology will be available to all technicians with training, we plan to create a new model for the treatment of skeletal disease.

Typically, a patient’s physician has minimal training in treating osteoporosis. Most physicians simply make a diagnosis and prescribe a drug. We are going to revolutionize this model with the introduction of facilities designed exclusively for the treatment of skeletal diseases.

OsNovum Clinics for Skeletal Health

Because osteoporosis is poorly understood by many physicians, it is the reason why treatment of osteoporosis is unsuccessful and incorporates undesirable side effects. However, there is a large body of science that has not been shared with the average physician treating this disease. We now know that medications, diet, gut micro flora, and lack of physical activity can induce osteoporosis. Our facilities will be a direct conduit of new scientific knowledge from the scientist to the patient. OsNovum will contract with top leading scientists from the various fields to formulate our diagnostics and treatment protocols.

Another factor to take into consideration when dealing with osteoporosis is the effects of muscle wasting, termed sarcopenia. Muscles and bone are in direct communication. Weakened bones lead to weakened muscles and this is termed frailty. The development of frailty as we age is a disease outcome and not a process of aging.

A goal of our OsNovum clinics is the elimination of frailty associated with old age which will expand our life expectancy and improve the quality of life.

Osteoporosis affects all of us.

For OsNovum to succeed, it’s going to take all of us.

That’s why we have launched our crowdfunding campaign to bring this life changing technology to market through the largest regulation crowdfunding portal: Wefunder!

Investing in OsNovum

Through this platform, you can easily contribute as little as $100 and help bring hope to those suffering from osteoporosis, low bone mass, and other skeletal diseases. Additionally, your gift also makes you an owner of a small share in this exciting new champion in the world of regenerative medicine!

Please take a moment to learn about our mission and how you can contribute.

All it takes is a brief moment of your attention and a small gift, so pitch in and spread the great news:

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Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)